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ModelGeo develops the general purpose Modelgeo 3D mathematics software and specialist ModelGeo Toolbox applications for geology and geophysics 

General purpose 3D mathematics

Modelgeo 9 is a general purpose mathematical software, available for academic and commercial license. Excellent 3D display and analysis features makes it the natural choice for 3D property modeling in any disciopline, not only oil and gas

Regional Velocity Modeling for depth conversion

The Velocity Modeling (VMOD) module is a new and improved version of the world leading hiQbe® software, which is used to make local and regional velocity models for depth conversion.

Velocity Inversion for lithology, porosity, pore pressure, uplift

Inversion of velocity and/or impedance data, using a normal compaction rock physics model. Used for lithology and porosity prediction in play and prospect evaluation, pore pressure prediction in well planning, and for uplift/erosion estimation in basin modeling.

Depth Conversion with quantified uncertainty

The Depth Conversion module finds a best case and constructs an Uncertainty Cube from which P10 - P50 - P90 depth can be extracted. It is used in well prognosis, prospect evaluation and field development.


Training and support

ModelGeo provides full training and support services for general purpose use of the Modelgeo 9 mathematics program and specialist use of the ModelGeo Toolbox modules.

Application Development

Development of geo-applications to support specialist services is a central part of our business strategy. This is also offered as a commercial service. Modelgeo 9, with its extensive toolbox, is the preferred development platform.

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